Mikä ScummVM on?

ScummVM on ohjelma joka mahdollistaa tiettyjen perinteisten seikkailu- ja roolipelien pelaamisen uudenaikaisillakin alustoilla, mikäli sinulla on niiden alkuperäiset data-tiedostot. ScummVM:n yksi nokkelimmista osa-alueista: se korvaa pelien alkuperäiset käynnistystiedostot, mahdollistaen täten näiden pelien pelaamisen alustoilla joille niitä ei oltu koskaan edes suunniteltu! ScummVM on kokonaisvaltainen uusiototeutus näiden pelien käynnistystiedostoista eikä täten siis ole emulaattori.

ScummVM tukee 325 seikkailupelin kattavaa kirjastoa, sisältäen klassikkoja joita ovat julkaisseet pelistudiot kuten LucasArts, Sierra On-Line, Revolution Software, Cyan, Inc. ja Westwood Studios. Uraauurtavien pelien, kuten Monkey Island -sarja, Broken Sword, Myst, Blade Runner sekä lukuisten muiden hyvin tunnettujen nimikkeiden ohella, voit nauttia myös aidosti oudommista seikkailupelikokemuksista plus löytääksesi piilotettuja helmiä.

Täydellinen luettelo tuetuista peleistä, sekä millä tasolla ne ovat tuettuja, löytyy yksityiskohtineen yhteensopivuussivulta. ScummVM paranee jatkuvasti, joten käy toki täällä usein. Voit pelata näitä pelejä lukuisilla alustoilla joihin kuuluvat Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, Android, PS Vita, Switch, Dreamcast, AmigaOS, Atari/FreeMiNT, RISC OS, Haiku, PSP, PS3, Maemo, GCW Zero ja monia muita...

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Viimeisimmät kehitysaskeleet
9.11.2024: Rescue your twin from the clutches of the evil Castle Master
Tämän lähetti gu3

Castle Master, the haunting conclusion to the Freescape engine saga, is now ready for public testing!

Prepare yourself for a perilous adventure as you lower the drawbridge to enter the Castle Master’s domain. Released in 1990 by Incentive Software, Castle Master became popular for its technical innovation and challenging gameplay. The game inspired countless 3D adventure titles, and the Freescape engine itself marked a technological milestone, enabling groundbreaking object interaction and spatial puzzles.

Notably, Castle Master was one of the first games to let you choose to play as either a prince or a princess, offering a different experience depending on your choice.

Your mission: rescue your twin, imprisoned within the eerie depths of Castle Eternity by the evil Magister. This sprawling, foreboding castle is filled with traps, monsters, and puzzles blocking your path. Gather items, unlock doors, and solve complex riddles as you navigate the labyrinthine halls and confront the dark forces within.

This modern reimplementation showcases enhanced graphics using OpenGL, with initial support for the DOS and ZX Spectrum releases. If you’re eager to embark on this dark journey, a playable demo is available to test your tenacity.

To participate in the testing, ensure you have a daily development build. We encourage all players to submit feedback and bug reports through our issue tracker.

Will you brave the creepy corridors of Castle Eternity and free your sibling, or will you fall victim to the Magister’s curse and join his army of enslaved spirits? The adventure awaits!

5.11.2024: Games based on qdEngine are now supported
Tämän lähetti sev

After seven months of intense work, we are ready to announce support for a few games based on qdEngine, developed by K-D Labs.

The work is based on the original sources published now under GPL, although the work started a bit earlier than that. The engine supports 14 games, five of which we are announcing support for. Most of these games were released in Russian; however, there were Lithuanian, Czech, and Polish releases. The support is announced for:

  • Wait for it! Issue 3. Song for a Hare, (Russian: Ну, погоди! Выпуск 3. Песня для зайца, Lithuanian: Na, palauk! Zuikio dainos, Czech: Jen počkej a Píseň pro zajíce)
  • Mask Show (Russian: Маски-шоу)
  • Marvellous Mice Adventures: Meeting Sea Rat (Russian: Три маленькие белые мышки. Визит Морской крысы, Czech: Příběhy myší rodinky I, Polish: Były Sobie Myszki Trzy: Na Spotkanie Cioci Myszy)
  • The Adventures of the Good Soldier Schweik (Russian: Похождения бравого солдата Швейка)
  • Marvellous Mice Adventures: Sea Rat's Birthday, (Russian: Три маленькие белые мышки. День рождения морской крысы, Polish: Były Sobie Myszki Trzy: Urodzinowe Śledztwo)

Other games do work; however, we haven’t playtested them. You may find more information on our Wiki. Also, we are looking for the Lithuanian version of Little Longnose and Polish releases of Little Mice games and Wait for it! game. If you happen to have a copy, please contact sev.

We continue the active development so that support for other games will follow shortly. The primary constraint is playtesting.

To run these games, you need the latest daily build of ScummVM. If you encounter any hiccups during your quests, please file them on our issue tracker.

30.10.2024: I don't need to remind you that this investigation is strictly unofficial
Tämän lähetti mduggan

We are excited to announce that Rise of the Dragon is now ready for public testing. This is the first of a small number of games built using the DGDS (Dynamix Game Development System) engine.

The Dynamix name may be familiar – bought by Sierra in 1990, the Dynamix brand continued and became well known for action and puzzle games like The Incredible Machine, A10 Tank Killer, and Red Baron. They also made a few adventures using the custom DGDS engine.

Rise of the Dragon is set in Los Angeles in a dark version of the future, circa 2053. You play as Blade Hunter, a private investigator and retired police officer. After a designer drug kills the mayor's rebellious daughter, Chandra, Hunter is hired to find the people responsible for releasing the drug on the streets. What Blade ultimately finds is much more than he expected. Rise of the Dragon combines classic point-and-click adventure style with platforming arcade sequences, giving a unique gameplay combination.

You’ll need the latest daily build of ScummVM and files from the DOS version of the game, which you can buy at GOG (check our wiki for the required data files). Please file any issues you notice on our bug tracker.

24.10.2024: “Can you bring peace to.. UNREST?”
Tämän lähetti Kartik

Unrest is a roleplaying game developed by Pyrodactyl Studios set in a fantasy interpretation of ancient India. You’ll step into the shoes of ordinary people and navigate a world fraught with challenges as they strive for safety, freedom, and peace.

We are proud to announce that Unrest is now playable using ScummVM thanks to the work done by our GSoC student, Kartik Agarwala! Help us test the game by grabbing a daily build of ScummVM. Read through our testing guidelines, and please take some screenshots along the way. If you encounter any issues, please report them to our bugtracker.

If you don’t own Unrest, you can purchase this game from either GOG or Steam. The demo for the game is also supported and available from our web site.

Now go, use your manipulative skills to bring peace to this troubled world where chaos is not afar. For the most daring players using the iron-man mode, saving and loading the game is only available using ScummVM's Global Main Menu.

3.10.2024: “Mikä aika? PELIAIKA HOO!”
Tämän lähetti jibbodahibbo, Bosca

Backyard Basketball on vihdoin valmis vaihtopenkillä tositoimiin maistuvan julkistestauksen merkeissä! Voit jälleen pelata ScummVM:n avulla tätä rakastettua Backyard Sports -peliä (ja muuten tämä olikin viimeinen nimike SCUMM-moottorille jolle tuki vielä uupui). Backyard Kids huutaa "peliä!!" mutta voit luoda viisi omaakin peluria. Mukana ovat myös (entiset) NBA- ja WNBA-tähdet Kevin Garnett ja Lisa Leslie!

Kuten muissakin tämän urheilusarjan peleissä, oletusohjaus on osastoa osoita-ja-napsauta, mutta tarjolla on myös gamepad- ja näppäimistö vaihtoehdot. Valitse suosikkijunnut ja pelaa 3 vastaan 3 -korista. Äläkä unohda 110% täysmehua tai donitseja jotta donkkaus on tykein! Heitä pallo sisään, nauti Sunny Dayn ja Barry DeJayn selostuksesta ladaten hyppyheittoja matkalla mestaruuteen.

Valmiina pelaamaan? Kaiva vanha kunnon CD-levysi esiin ja hieraise tulille uusin päivittäiskokooma!